
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

cell phone for children

It is undeniable that in this digital era where HP (mobile phones) have become a way of life, including in Indonesia. No matter of the lower classes and the wealthy, HP has become the required items at any time. With HP, we also find it very helpful, especially in terms of communicating.
Nowadays, too many parents give their children mobile phones, because, parents also need communication with their children. Sometimes, children are also abuse the facility, for example, for games, social networkingeasily distract students receive lessons in school, students easily at busy by calling or receiving calls, sms, missed-call, from their friends and even from their own families. 
In addition, the various controversies of the negative impact of its use, the use of cell phones is also bad for health and child development.  Play and sports activities were replaced by  mobile phone to play continuously. So, forget the time to learn.
Negative impact of the most influential are changes in behavior. Of course, this will affect the child’s personality. Overuse of cell phones that have the features, applications that are interesting, make children less sensitive to the environment. Some things that become an issue in this case, confidence, communication skills,and time management.  
Conversely, cell phones are also beneficial for children to communicate with parents, when something happens to the children, also useful when looking for a school assignment and need to find on the internet, and the course is looking through the phone. In crease knowledge through the internet, keep up with technology, and expand the network of friendship.  
Therefore, for the parents think of many times when it will provide cell phone to children, weigh the benefits and disadvantages, explain to them and give good advice to us, why they haven’t give the opportunity to bring cell phone to school or playing with his friends.

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